Let's check out 3 of the best options for airsoft night vision! Night vision goggles and airsoft go together hand in hand and can be a great way to play under more realistic night time fighting conditions. These night vision airsoft devices are very quick with low latency and can be paired with various IR aiming lasers to enhance your aiming capabilities. If you're playing airsoft with other people using night vision, you want to make sure your IR signature is minimal and all of the devices here are the least IR reliant in their respective price ranges and we've done extensive tetsing to verify this on the Good Nite Gear YouTube Channel!
1) NVG50
We think that the NVG50 is the top choice for airsoft night vision. It works very well with no IR lighting, the field of view is wide and can also be enhanced with a wide angle lens mod (which also serves as good protection for airsoft BBs). The NVG50 can be used in conjunction with other aiming optics like scopes and red dot sites and even be mounted to a pic rail and used as a stand alone optic. For those looking to run a single monocular this is the bets option. Pair this device with an external battery pack and get multiple nights of use which would be great for those of you looking to attend MilSim events.
Here's some airsoft gameplay footage with the NVG50 we'll think youll enjoy courtesy of @SayntAirsoft on Youtube!
2) NVG30
The NVG30 is also a very popular night vision goggles airsoft unit and is very similar in performance to the NVG50. It's also compatible with the wide angle lens and the main advantage is its a little cheaper and compatible with wilcox systems. Recon by BBs on Youtube does an excellent breakdown on this device here:
Airsoft with night vision goggles and provides a more immersive experience so if you have about $1000 to spend the NVG30 night vision bino kit would be a lot of fun for airsoft but you can check out our line of night vision binoculars.
3) NVG40
For those of you looking into night vision for airsofting under $200, we recommend the NVG40. It's the best perfoming sub $200 device in our option. Here's some footage of that device paired with the RovyVon GL4 Pro IR aiming laser:
This wraps up our thoughts on digital night vision for airsoft! Feel free to reach out to us with any questions if you need help getting set up with night vision for airsoft or MilSim.