We're going to take a look at the Best Night Vision Googles for the Money by moving up in price from sub $200 night vision to digital night vision that costs nearly $3000 to help you decide how your funds are best spent acquiring night vision!
1) NVG40 - The Best Night Vision Under $200
At the time of writing, we belive that the NVG40 is the best option for those of you looking to get into night vision under $200. There are a few notable comptetors including the Night Operators Max 2.0 and the Nightfox Prowl but we believe that the NVG40 is the best option and its also more affordable. It's low light/ no ir performance is far better than the competition and it also runs at a fast frame rate and has video recording capabilities. The Prowl has much worse low light performance and a lot of lag and was unusable in many instances during our testing. The Night Operators Max 2.0 performed a buit better than the Prowl but is very basic and lacking features. Another good option would be the NVG40 Pro which has a bit more features but its lower light no IR performance isn't quite as good. We've written more extensively about this topic in our post about the best night vision under $200.
2) NVG50 - The Best Night Vision Under $500
This is a tough one when considering the best night vision for the price when you've got about $500 to spend but we feel that the NVG50 is the way to go! Coming in close behind is the NVG30 which is closer to $400 after a discount is applied. We're written more extensively on the NVG50 vs NVG30 and while they are quite similar in many ways, the NVG50 has a very slight amount less latency and a more compact form factor and a higher resolution viewing screen which are the main reasons we put it ahead of the NVG30. $500 seems to be a real sweet spot where the performance of digital night vision really surpasses the human eye and is a very good entry level price point for those looking to get into their first night vision setups.
3) NVG30 Night Vision Binoculars - Best night Vision Under $1000
For those if you with about $1000 looking to get the best night vision they can for under 1k, the NVG30 Night Vision Binocular kit is the way to go. This kit comes with a pair of NVG30s, a highly capable and adjustble bridge and a helmet mount for right around $1000. Running a bincoular night vision goggle setup will provide a more immersive dual eye experience which will provide better depth perception and user experience and this is one of the most popular and best selling kits we have and for good reason. For those interested you can view other Night Vision Bioculars from Good Nite Gear for around the same price.
4) ADNV G14SE - Best Night Vision Under $2000
If you've got a bit more to spend on your night vision goggles and feel comfortable going up in price, the ADNV-G14SE is the next best option. For a while the Sionyx Opsin dominated the high end of the Digital Night Vision market but ADNV quickly became the new king of digital night vision overnight with this model and the P2 which we'll be taking a look at next. Performance is similar to Gen 2+ Analog and its a great deal for the price and is a step up from the units we looked at previously. For those interested in learning more about how the ADNV G14SE compares to the Sionyx Opsin you can check out this video!
5) ADNV G14SE - Best Digital Night Vision
With out a doubt, the best digital night vision on the market and the Best Night Vision Goggles For The Money, the ADNV G14P2 is the winner. The P2 has a slightly larger sensor compared to the G14SE and the low light performance is better and more fairly compared to the performance of Gen 3 Analog which is very impressive and really show how far the technology of digital night vision has come in the past few years. Watch a video about it to learn more about how it performs!
This wraps up our thoughts on the Best Night Vision Goggles for the money! Check out our full line of night vision googles and feel free to reach out if you have any questions about choosing the best night vision goggles for you!